Privacy Policy

This privacy policy outlines how KS Cleaning Contractors Limited uses and protects any information that you provide to us during your visit to our websites. If you are a customer or supplier, we will have your data stored in a number of other places for the purposes of invoicing, paying bills and carrying out work on your campaign. This policy relates specifically to the marketing data collected via our websites.

The following sites and related domains are underpinned by this Privacy Policy:

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors and service users and we are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. You can be assured that any information from which you can be identified that you provide us when using this website will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy. KS Cleaning may change this policy periodically by updating this page. For this reason, we advise that you visit this page from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes. This updated policy is effective from May 2018 and has been reviewed and updated in accordance with the General Data Protection Act.

What we Collect

We do not collect personally identifiable information about visitors to the website. The only time we might collect this information is if you decide to email us or complete a contact form that is on the listed website(s). Your information will be treated with the utmost confidence and will never be shared or published. We will not share your data with third parties unless we are obliged to disclose personal data by law, or the disclosure is necessary for purposes of national security, taxation and criminal investigation, or we have your consent. All of our contact forms include an ‘Opt In’ tick box allowing each visitor to choose whether they are comfortable with the information being retained for our email & blog updates. If this is something you do not want to be included in then please do not tick this option and your data will not be added to our email list.

What we do with the Information we Gather

If you fill out a contact form or email one of our contact email addresses, we may contact you in response to your message or subsequently in the future. This may include promotional emails about special offers, new products, the latest in industry news or other information which we think you might find interesting, these emails will be sent using the email address that you have provided. Occasionally, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. This may be through email, phone or mail. You can prevent this information being collected for any of the above purposes by not ticking the ‘Opt In’ selection on the contact forms.

From May 2018, our policy on going is to retain data for a two year period, If we have not had contact with you over a two year period then we will delete your details from our records. This retention and removal does not apply to suppliers or customers as the storing of financial data comes under the HMR retention requirements. If you would like to see or remove your data from our database, again please get in contact with

Google Analytics & Tracking

Our websites have visitor tracking installed. We currently use Google Analytics to track visitor trends, the information retain for the purpose of Google Analytics is not used for marketing and simply for feedback on the user experience of the listed websites. For further information on Google Analytics and the information retained please see the following link:

Social Media & Advertising Platforms

If we provide a service to yourself or your business using a social media platform or online advertising platform, then any information stored about your business within this platform is retained and processed under the Privacy policy of the relevant social media or advertising platform provider. For the relevant information on how these platform providers treat your data please see one of the following links:,3230811,3256124,template=privacy_guidelines&gl=GB

Email Marketing

If we provide email marketing as a service for yourself or your business we use two third party sites in order to deliver this service on your behalf. The data of your mailing list is stored within these third party sites, under a password protected account, managed by KS Cleaning Contractors Limited. The information stored is never used for marketing purposes and all subscribers to your email marketing will have the option to ‘Opt Out’ on every email sent. All email subscriber lists provided to KS Cleaning Contractors Limited by yourself or your organisation must have been collected adhering to the GDPR regulations enforced from May 2018. Failure to comply with the GDPR regulations of how to collect individuals and organisations data will result in yourself or your organisation being held responsible. Email subscriber lists will not be provided by KS Cleaning Contractors Limited, all data collected is the responsibility of yourself or your organisation.

For more information on how this information is retained and protected please see the two following links:


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure and treated with the respect that we would want our data to be treated with. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. For information on how supplier & customer data is stored and protected please email and a further breakdown of our security procedures will be provided.

About Cookies

A cookie is an American term for biscuit – It is also a small file which is placed onto your computer or device and can be used for a number of purposes, including enabling website functionality, analysing website usage or targeting advertising and tracking campaign performance. A cookie does not give us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us if you fill in a contact form or email us. You have the ability and choice to accept or decline cookies and delete existing ones. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but you can modify the browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. The help section of your chosen browser or its accompanying website will provide instructions on how to accept, decline and delete cookies. Declining cookies may prevent you from using all the features on our websites, as some functionalities may not work.

How we use Cookies

On the KS Cleaning website, we use Google Analytics cookies are used to a) analyse how our website is used – for example the volume of visitors to the site or specific pages and b) analyse how visitors found the website – for example reviewing searches that led to a site visitor, and which traffic sources led to a contact form being completed or an email sent. We will access this information on your first visit to our website and may access it again on subsequent visits. You can read more about Google Analytics cookies on the Google site and download a browser plugin to enable you to opt out of Google Analytics cookies on any websites. Future designs of this website will be made in concordance with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2011 and GDPR regulations of 2018.

Links to other Websites

Our websites contain links to other websites of interest. However once you have used these links to leave our site it is important to note that we do not have any control over that website and are not covered by this Policy. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you that will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from ours. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information that you provide whilst visiting these sites and this privacy statement does not govern such sites. We advise that you exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Need More Information?

If you want to know anymore information relating to the retention of data, how we use it or why, then please email